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Ask the Teacher Social Emotional Development

Ask the Teacher Social Emotional Development

Each messenging session or virtual session will take place within a 30 minute session and 1 hour initial intake session. The corospondence platform will be at clients discretion. Each purchase price includes an agreed upon platform, initial intake involving private messenging, free resources, and 1 follow up session. The initial intake format will allow our Early Childhood Specialists to conduct families in an effort to sync calendar appointments. We look forward to partnering with you.

Social Emotional Plan-

Regulates own emotions and behaviors, Child  manages feelings, Follows limits & expectations from peers trusted adults, Takes care of own needs appropriately (tolieting, nose running). Child is able to make friends and sustain relationships,  Responds to emotional cues of others, Participates cooperatively and constructively in play groups,  Child is able to balance the needs and rights of themself & others, Solves social problems with peers.

We look forwrd to partnering with you,

Your Early Childhood Specialists

  • Purchase Policy

    Purchase Policy

    All purchases from the online store at ABC TUTOR LLC on Wix or purchases made from ABCTUTORLLC or its affiliates or Any parties of interest or parties hired or employed or from any party associated with ABCTUTORLLC are non-returnable & non-refundable all orders are final! Upon receipt from ABCTUTORLLC or any associates with this mentioned LLC as mentioned at the begining of this disclousure, for any purchases or services you provide currency for at your own free will you hereby waive & otherwise give up any claim you may have against any parties mentioned above and throughout this disclousure, or future parties or released parties, family or friends affiliated w/ ABC TUTOR (LLC) ABCTUTORLLC or  from Adaptive LLC or Wix for any liability which may arise in the course of their attempt to provide you or your learner with instructional activities, advice, coaching, or strategies or materials per this agreement upon payment received from any mentioned above parties by you. You also agree to be solely be responsible for the child participating in the programs mentioned or connected to ABCTUTORLLC or any mentioned parties included in this disclousure as the parent, sole custodial provider, or person of custody or care including babysitter,  caregiver, self- learner, educator,  person or professional or guardian or responsible or unresponsible party for any enrolled or participant person or purchase to personally except all charges incurred by paying using PAY PAL /  your credit card / debit card any payable source on your behalf including or banking establishments to  ABC-TUTOR LLC at your own discretion regardless of whether or not you believe you did or did not receive advice or instruction for the enrolled, or intended person for services you should have received or if such person is not ready for pre-k/ kindergarten / school / life or fails any test or grade or project or anything or suggested strategies fail. Upon receipt you also acknowledge by paying you have read accepted this claim / disclousure & understand the enclosed information & waive any sue rights to any above mentioned or un mentioned person or persons or belongings or items by ABCTUTORLLC or its affiliates past present and future. 

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