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The Friendly Frog Treehouse A Children's Ministry


Welcome to ABCTUTORLLC a Christian Company ABC TUTOR LLC is a Christian-based company that provides early childhood education coaching and inclusion resources for All learners. Our programs include The Friendly Frog Treehouse is a children's ministry encompassing two programs Vacation Bible School, and VBS Bilateral Boot Camp or (VBSBBC) 


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Our children's programs provide moral lessons based on biblical principles to encourage children by empowering their mind, body, and soul in their walk with God. VBS teaches Godly principles through bible lessons based on the word of God transforming the mind (Romans 12:2). The body is strengthened through physical fitness for it is written: And the soul "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?" "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price". "So glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)  renewing your soul".   Our Remote VBS program is designed for young learners developing a relationship with God. This walk encourages foundational learning skills based on Godly principles in social-emotional development, and academics to assist early learners in their spiritual and academic journey.

Book a Social-Emotional Session for your Center

Hi I'm Nehemiah!

Nehemiah is a nice boy who lives with his mom and grandmother

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Hi I'm Tilly!

$250.00 an hour In-Person

$150.00 via Zoom / FB Live/ or Google Classroom

What Social-emotional concerns are you having in your center? We are here to support you with New

**Individualized Skits! 

Email or phone 313-718-2866

for a consultation appointment!



Tilly is a shy little girl who hates wearing her glasses and she lives with her familia

Via Zoom or In-Person

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