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Technology Integration


What is TPACK? 

The model shown on the website below guides educators on how to integrate digital tools and strategies to support teaching and learning. This model is designed around the idea that content (what you teach) and pedagogy (how you teach) must be the basis for any technology instructors plan to use in technology integration to enhance learning.


Using the TPACK Image

Published on May 11, 2011 by mkoehler

TPACK Analysis 1



Learning Positional Words-(above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and between)

 The Content (C): Math

The objective of this lesson is based on the Michigan Common Core State Standards for Pre -K- Kindergarten. CCSS-K.G.A.1 Math Content states students will learn positional words by identifying objects in the environment using names of shapes and describe the relative positions of these objects. Terms will be utilized such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and between, and actively use them to describe the world around them.

Overview: The lesson In-class group discussions (P) followed by online games (T) improves student learning


in Math content (C).


Describe: Beginning the lesson take place in a large group utilizing picture cards, a learning box, and the video, allow learning to occur as new concepts simply do not make sense to children unless they can touch and manipulate something to learn. Within this lesson, children are learning content through various strategies to help them retain and comprehend basic math concepts. These strategies fit together as children are first given concrete examples through brainstorming content from class discussions, then participate in an online finger play to learn positional words, and then enhance their learning through online practice of positional words. Each time they master a positional word a new word is automatically generated to allow them to practice the new concept. Although brainstorming in the classroom allows students to have concrete knowledge of what they know, integrating technology into the lesson enriches

their problem-based learning through interactive learning, allowing students to obtain in-depth PCK learning, strengthening the lesson as a whole.


Evaluation Plan (Teacher's Role):


Informal Assessment:


To gather a broader and meaningful picture of the development of student’s knowledge or growth in learning positional words, the teacher will observe students by taking anecdotal notes, and use photographs of their work in (LG). By doing an authentic assessment, teachers are able to meet children where they are developmentally and identify students who show knowledge of concepts, or those who may need further guidance.


Formal Assessment:


When assessing children's knowledge of positional words, teachers can utilize Teaching Strategies Gold which is a one-dimensional measure of children's ability, showing knowledge of concepts learned. This online assessment tool uses numerical goals, showing baseline knowledge, proficiency, and advanced student growth. Each domain uses a scoring system of “1-5”. If a student receives a “1” in the content area, then the student is showing some knowledge of concepts. If a higher score is given, a student was able to identify the relative .........Visit TPT for complete assignment -

(Veronica Steele, 

Apr 14, 2017, 5:27 AM)


                                                           TPACK -Analysis 2

Online Book Discussion/Literature through student blogging grades K-3


The Content (C):  Language Arts


The objectives of this lesson are based on Early Childhood Standards of Quality ELE: LANGUAGE AND EARLY LITERACY DEVELOPMENT 1. Early Learning Expectation: Emergent Reading. Children begin to understand written language read to them from a variety of meaningful materials, use reading-like behaviors, and make progress towards becoming conventional readers. 2. Early Learning Expectation: Writing Skills. Children begin to develop writing skills to communicate and express themselves effectively for a variety of purposes.


Overview:  In-class group discussions (P) followed by online discussions through blogging

(T) improves student learning in Language Arts (C).


Describe: The children learn content through various strategies to help them retain and comprehend the material. These strategies fit together as children are first given concrete examples through brainstorming content from the KWL chart, and then listening to the online story “Enemy Pie”. They are then able to reflect on face-to-face learning within the classroom and form an extended lesson by applying their cultural standpoint as they obtain families' input when blogging stories online. More online learning accrues as students are able to access a fun song, review and recall peer learning within their writings, share their input on the story to an audience other than the teacher, and gain competency in using an online tool by sharing and publishing their tho............Visit TPT for complete assignment -


Evaluation Plan (Teacher's Role):


The evaluation plan will consist of a rubric, showing students comprehension of the essential concepts, as they respond and provide relevant explanations to discussion questions. Within this rubric, scoring would be in TSG showing knowledge in content, example; demonstrating the ability to utilize.........Visit TPT for complete assignment -


Teacher Reflection: As an Instructor, I became knowledgeable in how important Professional Development is when integrating TPACK into the curriculum. Online tools need to be considered in the beginning stages when creating lesson plans to ensure the tools are appropriate for the content area being learned, and adjusted to implement intended goals. An online community needs to be structured, operated, and maintained for student success and assessment. I learned which activities work well within an online community an........Visit TPT for complete assignment -

Veronica Steele, 

Apr 14, 2017, 5:27 AM)

Communication Themed Assignment and Implementation of Learning Lesson 1


The Objective: of this lesson is based on Early Childhood Standards of Quality ELE: LANGUAGE AND EARLY LITERACY DEVELOPMENT 1. Early Learning Expectation: Emergent Reading. Children begin to understand written language read to them from a variety of meaningful materials, use reading-like behaviors, and make progress towards becoming conventional readers. 2. Early Learning Expectation: Writing Skills. Children begin to develop writing skills to communicate and express themselves effectively for a variety of purposes. And referencing Michigan Educational Technology Standards for Students PK-2.TC.7. Stating by grade 2 students will be able to demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments (e.g., electronic books, games, simulation software, websites).


Learning Management Systems or (LMS) utilized for this assignment: 


To effectively communicate with parents, I utilize the via messenger application for individual messages, and the class stories application to show what materials we were working on in class, and real-time classroom happenings. Children can utilize the "student stories" application camera to take pictures of their work for posting to show their learning. Students are able to snap, like, and upload images for an online portfolio, however, the images are sent to my administrator page for review before posting approval is allowed. To communicate with children, I utilize the "student stories" application to view, approve or redirect, their postings. In addition, I am able to comment on their work, and provide helpful links to fun stories, tutorials, and games to help the students learn specific concepts we are learning in class. 

 To enhance student learning through Classdojo, and accessible for all learners, I added JING a free download to your computer. This online software takes a picture or video of the user's computer screen and uploads it to the Web, FTP, computer, or clipboard. If uploaded to the web, the program automatically creates a URL to the content so it can be shared with others. Jing is compatible with Macintosh and Microsoft Windows (  I used JING for audio reading all written communication and materials for students to be able to navigate through the LMS effectively. 

Classdojo utilized for Blogging:

Overview: Within these posts...

Children worked on 3 lessons in Language Arts, each lesson had a separate Rubric where learners were assessed. These assessments were then added to child online portfolios in Teaching Strategies Gold and scored. Each lesson included a rubric for online learning, showing knowledge through technology navigation.


Examples of how Classdojo can be used as a blog click audio to hear what the student heard..



Hi Mari, I see you are really getting good at rhymes,

 I found a rhyme game for you. Use the mouse to click on a phone, moon, snake, sock, moose, dog, mice or tree and listen

 for the rhyming word. click here




"Enemy Pie Story about Friendship" On 3/8/17 Another student and Nora sat next to each other for 9 minutes and worked on this together. "That's Rapunzel in her house". "She sharing her toys"



Community Rules "Be Safe"


Other online tools were utilized to teach concepts of rhyming, community rules "Be safe, "Be responsible, "Be safe", taking turns, fair on ways to play, bucket filling, and defining what it means to be a friend. Our class books for blogging were " The Three Little Pigs", and "Enemy Pie" which assisted stude....... Visit TPT for complete assignment -


Evaluation (Teacher's role)


As an educator, my role has been to engage students at their developmental level conducive to classroom topics. To do this, I strive to keep the LMS fun, and cons.......... Visit TPT for complete assignment -


Rubric: .......



Multimedia Tutorial Accessing The Student Stories application in the LMS Lesson 2


The Learning Objectives (SLOs) are based on Michigan Educational Technology Standards for Students PK-2.TC.7. Stating by grade 2 students will be able to demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments (e.g., electronic books, games, simulation software, websites). Engaging students in creating student-led portfolios will allow them to gain knowledge and skill acquisition, gain confidence in abilities by navigating an LMS, and have a deeper understanding of the subject matter in their discipline, and apply what they have learned in new contexts.


Overview: The children could access the class LMS and follow the web link here, to listen to a video tutorial about accessing the student stories application within Classdojo to create student-led portfolios. 


Evaluation (Teacher's Role):


My role has been to keep the system fun, consistent, and engaging via video, audio, and animation links to engage students at their developmental level conducive to the classroom topic. I can assess students based on their ability to access the LMS and observe if they were able to upload picture samples of their work. The skills I obtained from this lesson was in how to navigate the LMS, add audio, and visual tools to assist students in learning how to navigate the system. I also acquired knowledgeable insight about how to create tutorials, this particular teaching strategy required a script, and practice to effectively instruct learners. Several attempts at organization will be needed to ensure specific learning objectives are met to assist students in being able to perform the lesson.


Teacher Reflection: As an online Instructor, I became knowledgeable in how an online course needs to be structured, operated, and maintained for child success and assessment. I learned which activities work well within an online community, and which activities need to be considered for the classroom. For optimal successes, revisions were made on several learning activities, and substantial revision for individual learning was needed to enhance student learning. I learned in order to be an effective instructor, I have to provide consistent redirection of children to help them stay on task, as this is crucial ensuring specific goals, and objectives are met in learning and maintaining knowledge of content.



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